Houghton Klito 2

Óvenju skemmtileg og vel hönnuð "wet plate" myndavél sem gat tekið 12 plötur í einu sem var bylting á þeim tíma. Í fyrsta flokks ástandi miðað við að vera fædd 1909 Mahogany og leður ekkert gerfidót

Text Box: Þessi hnappur fellir eina plötu í einu


Linsan er vel varin

Vönduð og falleg smíð á einföldum lokara, sem samt er mjög fullkominn

Manufacture: Houghton Ltd.
Location: London, England
Model: No. 2 & 3 klito Camera
Category: Box Camera
Item No.:

Production Dates: 1900-1920
Film: Plates
Lens: Ensign symmetrical
Accessories: N/A

Description: The No. 2 and 3 Klito camera is made of well-seasoned wood allparts clamped , covered in handsome hard grained morr\occo leatherette. Opening front door, insdie polished mahogany. Rack and pinion focusing, divided back door for removing exposed plates. Safety shutter, three magnifiers that are adjustable from the outside. Includes brilliant finders showing the image the correct way up.